La Linda

$ 3.80 USD
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The Coffee

In the captivating landscapes of Colombia, there lies a verdant paradise known as La Linda, where lush green hills cradle the high-quality green coffee beans lovingly termed as “gems”. The La Linda Project, named after this serene sub-region, was born out of the desire to ensure that smaller lots from specific coffee producers retain their unique essence and are recognized for their true value, instead of being blended into lower-priced commercial coffee. These small parchment deliveries, ranging from 50kg to 1000kg, are the heart and soul of La Linda. The project vigilantly maintains quality controls at the purchasing point in Ciudad Bolivar, ensuring a yield of 90 or below, moisture levels of 11% or below, and a cupping score that caresses the taste buds generally above 87+ points. One cannot talk about La Linda without mentioning Juan Saldarriaga, the owner of La Claudina farm in the south of La Linda. His deep-rooted connection with the community and the region plays a pivotal role in the project. The farmers, the true heroes of La Linda, are nestled around the life-giving mountain streams essential for coffee processing. Moreover, the project has an admirable economic impact; the farmers are rewarded with a premium price of USD 5.95 per kg FOB and COP 2.22 million per carga parchment paid to the producer. In conclusion, the La Linda Project is a tapestry woven with dedication, tradition, and the love for specialty coffee. It empowers local farmers and ensures that every cup is filled with the enchanting aromas and flavors that only La Linda’s green coffee can provide.

The Farmer

Farms: Various

Altitude: 1500-2000 masl

Region: Antioquia

Sub Region: Ciudad Bolivar

Varietals: Caturra, Colombia

Main crop: September-January

Mitaca: April-May


In Colombia, the cherry, which refers to the whole coffee fruit, is predominantly processed using the washing method. The process involves pulping the cherries using a manual or electric pulper, followed by fermenting the parchment (the coffee seed surrounded by its protective layer) in tanks. After pulping, the coffee is transferred to the fermentation tank and left there for one to two days, with the duration depending on the temperature. Higher temperatures accelerate fermentation, while lower temperatures slow it down. Some producers rinse the coffee during this stage to help control the temperature.

Producers often stir the coffee in tanks or small channels to remove any floaters (defective or lower-quality beans). If channels are not available, the coffee is washed in the fermentation tank, and the floaters are skimmed off before drying.

For drying, the coffee is typically sun-dried in parabolic dryers that act like greenhouses. Producers of higher-quality coffee have well-ventilated facilities to protect the coffee from rain. With proper ventilation, the coffee can be dried to around 11% moisture content in 10 to 18 days, which is considered ideal for maintaining quality, consistency, and shelf life.

On the farms where these processes take place, the cherry picking is mostly done by the farmer's family, occasionally with the help of a few hired workers. Due to the smaller size of these farms, the picking process is more manageable. The cherries are usually picked in two or three passes to ensure optimal ripeness.