
$ 3.40 USD
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The Coffee

Jaguara farm had its beginning from a trio of friends (Antonio Wander, Rubem Carlos and Rubem Murilo). They planted the first coffee trees in 2001 in the Campo das Vertentes region. The name of the farm is due to an important Quilombola community surrounding the farm, named Jaguara. The farm now belongs to Andre Luiz Garcia, his wife, Natalia Moreira and their son Benicio Garcia. Who bought the farm from the previous owners, Andre and Natalia work together to develop the farm, supporting each other with their strengths in different areas of coffee production.

André is an agronomist, and researcher at Procafé Foundation specializing in pruning and producing coffees. The farm is situated next to Sao Joao del Rei, a very important historic town in the colonization of Brazil and famous due to the gold mining and have historically not had the tradition of coffee production. With a predominance of mountains at high altitudes (for being Brazil) the coffee trees have adapted very well.

The soil type on the farm is red/yellow, volcanic with medium texture typical of the savanna region. They are growing Acaia, Yellow Catuai, Yellow Catucai and Mundo Novo. Andre's work with Procafe gives him good insight into varieties and how they can be grown on his own farm. They are only processing coffee as Naturals, but are young and adventurous with experimenting within this realm of processing.

The Farmer

Farms: Jaguara

Altitude: up to 1040 masl  

Region: Minas Gerais State

Sub Region: Campo das Vertentes

Farm size: 90 ha

Coffee growing area: 72 ha

Varietals: Acaia, Yellow Catuai, Yellow Catucai and Mundo Novo

Main crop: June - October



The cherries are mechanically and handpicked at Jaguara.


These coffees are naturally processed. Normally the process gives you a sweeter coffee because of sugar migration from the pulp into the beans. The coffees are picked when evenly ripe, and hand sorted for over and under ripe cherries before drying on the patio. They continue picking out all the defective coffee cherries they can find during this period.


They are drying their coffees in the mechanical dryer, on the patio, in boxes with heated air and on raised beds.